Antoine Moreau

Associate Professor
Institut Pascal
Université Clermont Auvergne
4 avenue Blaise Pascal
63178 Aubière Cedex

Téléphone : 04 73 40 72 12


You will find on this webpage a rather detailled presention of my professionnal activities.
CMIP Popular Physics

I'm currently Associate Professor, part of the Electromagnetism and Nanophotonics team of the Pascal Institute, and my favorite subjects are photonic crystals, surface plasmons, extraordinary enhanced transmission or metamaterials.

I've spent a whole year at the Center for Metamaterials and Integrated Plasmonics in 2011-2012 as a visiting scholar in David Smith's group.

I am holding a chair "Académie CAP 20-25", awarded by the University fundation for the project "Building blocks for Futuristic Features" (BFF). Here is a short movie about it.

Publications A complete list of my publications can be found here and my most interesting/recent publications are :

Other subjects I had, in the past, some interests outside of electromagnetism : in fluid mechanics and in the physics of cold agregates.


Why don't you go and watch my Youtube channel ? A short list of what I teach each year is here:

Popular science

Popularizing physics is one of my favorite activites.

Other tasks...

There are many things to organize here and there :