French version...

A numerical swiss army knife

Moosh is a code running under Octave/Matlab/Scilab, that allows to quickly simulate the propagation of a light beam in a multilayered structure. It has been optimized and it is very stable.

It will allow you to illustrate a lot of physical situations, ranging from the simplest refraction to the reflection by a Bragg mirror, as illustrated by the fly below.

Antoine Moreau

MoosH !

This numerical swiss army knife will allow you, whatever the multilayered structure you are considering, to get the reflection coefficient as a function of angle or wavelength, and to generate a corresponding image of the propagation of a beam inside the structure. This code will run with Octave, Matlab or Scilab, three platforms that are extremely close to each other. Octave and Scilab are freely available on any platform (Linux, Apple, Windows).

Now come many examples of what you can do with the code...

Source code used to get the figure.

Brewster incidence

Source code used to get the figure.

Total internal reflection

Source code used to get the figure.


Source code used to get the figure.

Bragg mirror

Source code used to get the figure.

Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR)

Source code used to get the figure.

Cavity resonance

Source code used to get the figure.

Anti-reflective coating

Source code used to get the figure.

Cavity for non-normal incidence

When changing the angle, new resonances appear.

The resonances are in this case analogous to guided modes.

Source code used to get the figure.

Guided mode

Source code used to get the figure.

Coupled waveguides and rabi oscillations

Source code used to get the figure.

Surface plasmon excitation by FTIR

Source code used to get the figure.

Negative refraction and Pendry's perfect lens

Source code used to get the figure.

Source code used to get the figure.