Antoine Moreau
Welcome ! The goal of this page is to present the work I achieved during my PhD - under the direction of Jean-Pierre Bertoglio. You'll find scientific documents as well as animations or images generated using data of numerical simulations. Version Française
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"Optimal Estimation for large eddy simulation of turbulence and application to the analysis of subgrid models" Phys. Fluids 18 105101 (2006) "Analyse des modèles de sous-maille par densité présumée en Simulation des Grandes Echelles" C. R. Mécanique 332 37 (2004)

My PhD report

In french. Its title is "Etude du mélange de scalaires en écoulement turbulent et application à la modélisation des petites échelles". It is also available in postscript version.

A presentation for a large audience

But alas, once more for french speaking people.

The simulation domain

This animation represents the simulation domain : a cube with periodical boundary conditions. The scalar field has been represented on each face of the cube.

The scalar field

This represents the scalar field in the simulation domaine at a given time. The values of the scalar field are seen in a plane moving from one face of the cube to the opposite one. Since perdiodic boundary conditions are used, playing this film in loop should show a continuum.

Isosurface of the scalar field
Background image

A view of the simulation domain whose colors have been modified. Feel free of using it !