Module Nfa

module Nfa: sig .. end
Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

A NFA is just a Labeled Transition System (LTSA) for which

module type SYMBOL = sig .. end
module type T = sig .. end
module Make (S : Ltsa.STATE)  (L : SYMBOL) : T 
  with type state = S.t
   and type symbol = L.t
Functor building an implementation of the NFA structure given an implementation of state identifiers and symbols
module Trans (S1 : T)  (S2 : T) : sig .. end
Functor for converting a NFA, with a given implementation of state identifiers and symbols into another one with different respective implementations
module Product (S1 : T)  (S2 : T  with type symbol = S1.symbol and type Symbols.t = S1.Symbols.t) : sig .. end
Functor for computing the products of two NFAs sharing the same symbol set