Module Ltsa

module Ltsa: sig .. end
Labeled Transition Systems with State Attributes

A Labeled Transition System with Attributes on states (LTSA) is 6-uple (Q,L,A,I,a,R) where

type Utils.Dot.graph_style += 
| NoLabel
| NoAttr
| Circular (*
Circular layout (circo); default is layered
Extension to the Dot.graph_style type for drawing LTSAs
module type STATE = Utils.OrderedTypeExt.T
Signature of the module describing state identifiers
module type LABEL = Utils.OrderedTypeExt.T
Signature of the module describing transition labels
module type ATTR = sig .. end
Signature of the module describing state attributes
module type T = sig .. end
Output signature of the functor Ltsa.Make.
module Make (S : STATE)  (L : LABEL)  (A : ATTR) : T  with type state = S.t and type label = L.t and type attr = A.t
Functor building an implementation of the LTSA structure given an implementation of state identifiers, transition labels and state attributes
module Trans (S1 : T)  (S2 : T) : sig .. end
Functor for converting a LTSA, with a given implementation of state identifiers, transition labels and state attributes into another one with different respective implementations
module Product (S1 : T)  (S2 : T) : sig .. end
Functor for computing the external product, in different flavors, of two LTSA
module Product3 (S1 : T)  (S2 : T)  (S3 : T) : sig .. end
Functor for computing the external product, in different flavors, of three LTSA
module type Merge = sig .. end
Signature of the second argument for the Ltsa.IProduct functor
module IProduct (S : T)  (M : Merge  with type state=S.state and type label=S.label and type attr=S.attr) : sig .. end
Functor for computing the internal product, in different flavors, of two LTSA
module type Merge3 = sig .. end
Signature of the second argument for the Ltsa.IProduct3 functor
module IProduct3 (S : T)  (M : Merge3  with type state=S.state and type label=S.label and type attr=S.attr) : sig .. end
Functor for computing the "internal" product, in different flavors, of three LTSA